Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tiara Talk with Dani Walker of Pageant Access "There is no secret to winning a pageant"

Dani Walker of Pageant Access "There is no secret to winning a pageant."
Photo by Shana Lemos  Hair/MUA : Lisa G Artistry

It's that time of year when girls are winning new titles, competing in and preparing for pageants. Its pageant season ! I recently got the chance to chat with pageant coach, YouTuber and Beauty Queen Dani Walker.This is one of the first interviews on this blog and I'm so excited about it. Dani uses her experience in pageants to help others that compete, on her YouTube channel Pageant Access  and through private coaching. We talked about her pageant experience, physical fitness, and what it takes to win a pageant.  Be sure to subscribe to her channel for pageant tips, and new episodes here !

1.How did you first get started in pageants ?

DW:My aunt has a daughter who is my age; she received a letter in the mail inviting her to compete at a local pageant. Although my cousin was not interested, my aunt thought that a pageant might be something I would like to try. So, I took my cousins place at orientation, listened to the presenters speech and thought it, “I can do this.”

2. Do you prefer competing in pageants or pageant coaching ?
DW: Since I’ve been competing for over a decade, I’ve reached a personal standard of competition. Even my worst days result in a relatively good outcome, with no embarrassing, YouTube worthy blunders. At this point, competition produces smaller areas of growth in my life, than it did when first I began. I find that the challenges of coaching, prove to be more rewarding than if I were to compete. It seems, now, that aging out of pageants is not as terrible as I once perceived.

3.You are currently Miss San Diego Cities USA, what has your reign been like ?
DW: I think of my year as Miss San Diego Cities USA as a gift. Since I am not a San Diego native, it was especially fun getting to experience many parts of San Diego for the first time, work with sponsors and raise money for local charities. I have an incredible teen sister queen, with an equally incredible family that really put this year over the top. I am blessed with outstanding directors, Sierra and Robin. What I appreciate most about my directors, is their organizational skills. I couldn’t have asked for a better year. There was never any stress. They were always there to check-in on Miss California prep, as well as take time to go shopping, attend our photo shoots, walking lessons and create mock pageants with judging panels. I felt, this year was above and beyond expectation. My reign is just about over, and I couldn't be more excited for my successor. She really has no idea what's in store; I know she’s going to have the best year!
4.As a pageant coach , what would you say is one of the most important tips you give your girls ?
DW: I believe that walking, dressing, and speaking like a queen can be taught. It’s a matter of practice and repetition. But, the most important thing I focus on is developing a client’s confidence. I find that many girls have the skills to win a pageant, with ease, but they don’t believe they can win. Our words and thoughts are prophetic. If you don’t believe you can win, most likely, you’re correct. I focus on changing a girls thoughts from negative to positive, doubtful to confident and from apprehensive to bold. I care more about what she thinks of herself, than what other’s will think about her.

5.Is there any secret to winning a pageant ?
DW: The secret isn’t much of a secret. Winning a pageant is a matter of intelligent preparation, not luck. You win a pageant in the practice, not on-stage. In my opinion, once you arrive at a pageant, your fate is sealed. Everything you could do to win the pageant, has already been done. I think that the key is not only practice, but a game plan. As with anything in life, if you don’t create clear, specific goals, you’re just shooting in the dark. Avoid focusing on your weaknesses, no one is good at everything. You’re bound to have some short comings that will never quite reach the quality of your strengths. Instead figure out what makes you different and qualified, then highlight those to the judges. Never model your game plan after another queen or contestant. What worked for her, worked because it was unique to her. Go with what is unique to you.
6.How important is being physically fit, when it comes to pageants ?
DW: In the broadest sense, I don’t think it holds as much weight in a competition, no pun intended, as many believe. Many pageants don’t even have a fitness or swimsuit round . If we’re talking about pageants like America and USA, it does effect the overall outcome of your scores. Everyone’s body is different though. I never aim for a measurement and I cannot even remember the last time I weighed myself, because numbers are insignificant. What is important, is that you look proportionate and like you lead an active lifestyle. So don’t worry about your stretch marks, or cellulite, I have those too. Focus on creating an overall healthy look. When preparing, if you’re not accustomed to the gym, I strongly suggest taking a few sessions with a personal trainer to get you on the right track for your goals. 
7.What is your favorite part of competition?

DW: Evening gown is my favorite, by a long shot! I feel most beautiful during this part of the competition. I also like that it’s a time to slow things down. Whenever I compete in evening gown, I love soaking in the moment and remembering how grateful I feel, to even step on stage with so many other amazing women. I also love the fashion aspect of it. It’s not often that we have a chance to wear a gorgeous evening gown, and when it comes to watching pageants, I love to look at all the beautiful new gown styles.

8.Starting to prepare for a pageant can be overwhelming, especially if you don't know where to start. What is a good starting point for new contestants?

DW: I’m a huge fan of organization and taking things one step at a time. I like to mentally arrange preparation for the entire pageant, before I get started on anything. I put all important deadlines on my calendar, then I estimate how much time I will need to complete all those tasks. I typically start with pageant paperwork and wardrobe. Once all the tangible items are out of the way,then I get to work on practicing all areas of competition.

Follow Dani on Social Media:
IG: @PageantAccess @DaniWalker
Twitter: @daniwalkermusic
Youtube channel: Pageant Access
Facebook pages: Pageant Access, Dani Walker

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